Cosmetic Dentistry in Roslyn Heights, NY

When you look good, you feel good. And feeling comfortable with your smile can do wonders for your self-confidence so you can live your life to the fullest. The field of cosmetic dentistry covers a wide array of services and procedures, ranging from subtle solutions to dramatic transformations. If you find yourself shying away from laughing or smiling, want to make an entrance at your next big event, or just want to treat yourself to a confidence boost, we've got you covered. Schedule a consultation today and see what we can do to help you achieve the smile of your dreams!

Cosmetic Dentistry

At-Home Teeth Whitening

For an easy, effective, and convenient way to brighten your smile and boost your confidence, there's no better solution than at-home teeth whitening. Over the course of a few weeks, you can lighten your grin by multiple shades, all from the comfort of your own home! At-home teeth whitening is also one of the most cost-effective cosmetic dental treatments, making it a great way to transform your smile without breaking the bank.

Cosmetic Dentistry

In-Office Teeth Whitening

Do you want to brighten your smile, but don't want to wait? Ditch the dingy stains and discoloration for a more luminous grin with in-office teeth whitening! In a single visit, you can whiten your teeth by up to eight shades. Whether you're preparing for an upcoming event or just looking for a way to bolster your self-esteem, teeth whitening is one of the most cost-effective cosmetic dental treatments, making it a simple and effective way to boost your confidence.

Cosmetic Dentistry

Dental Bonding

If you're looking for a more conservative way to transform your smile, dental bonding may be right for you. Your Roslyn Heights, NY dentist will apply a color-matched composite resin to your teeth, shaping and sculpting it to blend seamlessly with the rest of your smile. Then, they'll cure it with a special blue light to complete the process. Bonding doesn't require any invasive prep, and can cover up minor chips, cracks, and stains, often in a single visit. Schedule a consultation today to find out if dental bonding can help you achieve your dream smile!

Cosmetic Dentistry


If you feel insecure about your smile for reasons like chips, gaps, or discoloration, veneers can fix that and more. Veneers totally transform your smile to hide any cosmetic imperfections. They are expertly crafted from porcelain, a thin yet durable material, to attach to the front of your teeth. This gives you a natural, beautiful smile that you will feel confident in. If you are interested in learning more about the benefits of veneers, contact us and we will be happy to schedule you for a cosmetic consult.


Cosmetic Dentistry


Experience the convenience of Invisalign clear aligners if you desire a straighter smile without the inconvenience of metal braces. These virtually invisible aligners are easily removable, granting you the freedom to eat and drink as you please. As your treatment progresses, you'll receive new aligners every few weeks, resulting in the beautiful smile you've always wanted.

Cosmetic Dentistry


While Botox has traditionally been used to smooth wrinkles and reduce the appearance of fine lines to restore your youthful glow, there's even more that this injectable can do. Dentists can also administer Botox to reduce a gummy smile, alleviate myofascial pain, and even soothe symptoms of TMJ/TMD. Because your dentist is an expert in facial anatomy, they are an ideal provider of Botox therapy. If you're experiencing pain in your face or jaw, or you are just ready to give your appearance a youthful boost, get in touch with us today to see if Botox is right for you.

Cosmetic Dentistry


Enameloplasty is a cosmetic procedure that shapes and contours your teeth to get your desired shape. A pain-free, minimally invasive alternative to veneers, it's a popular cosmetic treatment that can improve the symmetry and aesthetic of your smile.

Frequently Asked Questions

Check out these frequently asked questions, or call us to speak with our team.

What Is Possible with Cosmetic Dentistry?

The possibilities with cosmetic dentistry are virtually limitless! Advanced techniques and materials allow cosmetic dentists to transform almost any aspect of your teeth and smile. Possible cosmetic treatments include:

  • Teeth Whitening: Brightening discolored or stained teeth for a whiter, more radiant smile.
  • Composite Bonding: Repair of chipped, cracked, or misshapen teeth using tooth-colored composite resin.
  • Veneers: Custom-made porcelain shells that cover the front surface of the teeth to correct discoloration, chips, cracks, or gaps.
  • Invisalign: Alignment of crooked teeth and correction of bite issues using removable and discreet clear aligners.
  • Dental Implants: Replacement of missing teeth with artificial ones that look, feel, and function like natural teeth.

Is Cosmetic Dentistry Healthy?

Cosmetic dentistry, when performed by a skilled and experienced dentist like Dr. Maria Hiruma, is not only healthy but can also have a variety of lasting benefits for your oral health. Many cosmetic procedures go beyond aesthetics to improve the function and health of your teeth as well as their appearance. For example, replacing missing teeth with implants can complete your smile while preventing jaw bone loss, maintaining your facial structure, and returning your ability to enjoy all of your favorite foods. Crowns protect and strengthen damaged teeth while restoring their appearance. Additionally, aligning crooked teeth with Invisalign can make them easier to clean, reducing the risk of decay and gum disease. All in all, cosmetic dentistry is often a healthy choice for patients looking to improve both their oral health and the aesthetics of their smile.

Do Cosmetic Dentists Fill Cavities?

Yes, cosmetic dentists do fill cavities, but their approach may differ from that of general dentists, focusing not only on the health and function of the tooth but also on the aesthetic outcome. Cosmetic dentists use tooth-colored fillings, also known as composite resins, to fill cavities and repair decayed teeth. These fillings blend seamlessly with the natural color of your teeth, unlike traditional amalgam (silver) fillings. The result is a restoration that looks natural and enhances the beauty of your smile. At Enso Dental Arts, Dr. Maria Hiruma ensures that even the most routine dental treatments contribute to the overall aesthetics of your teeth, combining health with beauty.

What Is Cosmetic Dentistry?

Cosmetic dentistry encompasses a range of dental procedures aimed at enhancing the appearance of your teeth and smile. Unlike traditional dentistry, which focuses on oral hygiene and preventing, diagnosing, and treating oral disease, cosmetic dentistry's primary goal is aesthetic improvement. Procedures can include teeth whitening, veneers, bonding, crowns, and orthodontics, among others. At Enso Dental Arts, we specialize in cosmetic dentistry, offering advanced treatments designed to improve the color, position, shape, size, alignment, and overall appearance of your smile. Whether you're looking to fix a single tooth imperfection or desire a complete smile makeover, cosmetic dentistry can provide a customized solution to meet your aesthetic goals.

Cosmetic Dentistry in Roslyn Heights